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一、散度涡度 divergence and vorticity

	divg = uv2dv_cfd ( uwnd, vwnd, uwnd&lat, uwnd&lon, scalar-integer )
	vort = uv2vr_cfd ( uwnd, vwnd, uwnd&lat, uwnd&lon, scalar-integer )
;以下是用球谐函数 spherical harmonics 的方法计算涡度散度,  
	uv2vrdvf ( uwnd, vwnd, vort, divg ) ;计算涡度和散度,括号中后两个值是返回值。  
	divg = uv2dvF_Wrap( uwnd, vwnd )
	vort = uv2vrF_Wrap( uwnd, vwnd )

虽然官网说用球谐函数计算散度和涡度比用中央差分法更精确,但我在用乳源地区的日降水量与涡度散度算相关时, 却发现用球谐函数计算得到的散度和涡度不是很靠谱。



uv2sfvpf ( uwnd, vwnd, stream_function, velocity_potential )  
;calculate stream function and velocity potential via spherical harmonics on a fixed grid
sfvp2uvf ( stream_function, velocity_potential, uwnd, vwnd )
;Computes the wind components given stream function and velocity potential (on a fixed grid) via spherical harmonics.

uv2vrf (uwnd,vwnd,vort)  ;calculate the vorticity via spherical harmonics on a fixed grid   
vr2uvf (vort,ur,vr)      ;calculate the rotational wind components via spherical harmonics on a fixed grid
;ur and vr are the return data 

uv2dvf (uwnd,vwnd,divg)  ;calculate the vorticity via spherical harmonics on a fixed grid   
dv2uvf (divg,ud,vd)      ;calculate the divergent wind components via spherical harmonics on a fixed grid
;ud and vd are the return data 

;the data used by these function must be on a global grid and no missing values    
;If any missing values are encountered in a particular 2D input grid, 
;then all of the values in the corresponding output grids will be set to the missing value
;if there are missing values, you can make the missing value zero by this method
uwnd = where(ismissing(uwnd),0,uwnd)

sf = sf/1000000    ;the stream function's unit is m^2/s, and the magnitude is large, so divided by 10^6




  1. 利用径向风计算的全球纬向平均的经圈质量流函数,但它忽略了热带大气环流的区域多样性
  2. The vertical shear of the meridional wind between 200 and 850 hPa (V200–V850),可以用于研究Hadley环流强度的纬向变化,已有学者利用该诊断量研究Hadley环流的多尺度变率及其与其他气候现象(如ENSO)间的关系。但无法用该指数精确定义Hadley环流的南北边界
  3. 利用辐散风的径向风分量计算的区域纬向平均的经圈流函数,即可以研究Hadley环流的纬向变化,又可以确定Hadley环流的强度及南北范围。但该指数只用到了环流的辐散风分量,无法全面描述环流整体的变化。



  1. Zhang, G. and Z. Wang, 2013: Interannual Variability of the Atlantic Hadley Circulation in Boreal Summer and Its Impacts on Tropical Cyclone Activity. J. Climate, 26, 8529–8544, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00802.1
  2. Sun, Y., Li, L.Z.X., Ramstein, G. et al. 2019: Regional meridional cells governing the interannual variability of the Hadley circulation in boreal winter. Clim Dyn, 52: 831. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-018-4263-7
  3. Nguyen, H., Hendon, H.H., Lim, E.P. et al. 2017: Variability of the extent of the Hadley circulation in the southern hemisphere: a regional perspective. Clim Dyn, 50: 129. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-017-3592-2


  1. 直接用ncl自带的函数计算 zonal_mpsi (v,lat,p,ps) ,但该函数只能计算经圈流函数,且若计算区域经圈环流,需先将径向风的辐散分量计算出来,再利用该函数。
  2. 自己做垂直积分计算。这样还可以用于计算纬圈流函数。
v   = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/),float)
ps  = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/),float)
msf = new((/nlev,nlat/),float)

msf   = zonal_mpsi_Wrap(v(::-1,:,:),v&lat,plev(::-1)*100,ps)
msf_m = msf(::-1,:) 

g  = 9.8 ;m/(s*s)
a  = 6378388 ;the radius of earth, m
pi = atan(1.0)*4
lat  = vars&lat
ptop = 0
iopt = 0
dp  := dpres_plevel(plev*100,ps,ptop,iopt)
dpm = dim_avg_n(dp,2)
v_m = dim_avg_n(v,2)
do inl = 0, unlev-1, 1
    msf_m(inl,:) = dim_sum_n(v_m(inl:nlev-1,:)*dpm(inl:nlev-1,:),0)
    msf_m(inl,:) = msf_m(inl,:)*2*pi*cos(lat*pi/180.0)*a/g
end do

msf_m = msf_m/10^10

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