以下 namelist variables 都是从 $casename/$RUNDIR/xxx_in 文件中看到,其解释可在官网查询。
另外,模式运行过程中用到的输入数据文件可在 $casename/Buildconf/xxx.input_data_list 找到
ext_frc:external forcings, 属于chem_inparm
sol_facti_cloud_borne:In-cloud scav for cloud-borne aerosol tuning factor
srf_emis:the surface emissions data
tracer_cnst:the prescribed chemical constituents data
bnd_topo:Full pathname of time-invariant boundary dataset for topography fields
bndtvo:Full pathname of time-variant ozone mixing ratio boundary dataset.
bndtvghg:Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for greenhouse gas surface values.
bndtvaer:Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for aerosol masses
bndtvs:Full pathname of time-variant sea-surface temperature and sea-ice concentration boundary dataset.
bndtvs_domain:Full pathname of grid file for time-variant sea-surface temperature and sea-ice concentration boundary dataset.
cldfrc:cloud fraction
cldsed:cloud sedimentation(云沉降)
water_refindex_file:Full pathname of dataset for water refractive indices used in modal aerosol optics
iceopticsfile:filepath and name for ice optics data for rrtmg
liqopticsfile:filepath and name for liquid cloud (gamma distributed) optics data for rrtmg
domainfile:spatial gridfile associated with the strdata. grid information will be read from this file and that grid will serve as the target grid for all input data for this strdata input.
fatmlndfrc: Full pathname of land fraction data file.
finidat:Full pathname of initial conditions file. If blank CLM will startup from arbitrary initial conditions.
fpftcon: Full pathname datafile with plant function type (PFT) constants
fpftdyn: Full pathname of time varying PFT data file. This causes the land-use types of the initial surface dataset to vary over time.
fsnowaging: SNICAR (SNow, ICe, and Aerosol Radiative model) snow aging data file name
fsnowoptics: SNICAR (SNow, ICe, and Aerosol Radiative model) optical data file name
fsurdat: Full pathname of surface data file.