- Lecture 1 Introduction to the Community Earth System Model
- Lecture 2 physics in the CAM
- Lecture 3 Dynamics in CAM
- Application 2 Interpreting Model Results
- Practical 3 Intro Diagnostics and Output
- Practical 4 Intro Namelist and Code Modifications
Lecture 1 Introduction to the Community Earth System Model
differential equations that describe fluid motion, radiative transfer, chemical composition, etc.
Sub-gridscale processes are parameterized.
大气的forings:greenhouse gases, manmade(人为的)aerosols, volcanic eruptions, solar variability, land-use change
此外介绍了CESM中包含的Carbon cycle,processes in land model, surface energy fluxes, hydrology, biogeochemical cycles.
Lecture 2 physics in the CAM
主要介绍了次网格的物理过程及参数化,包括clouds, radiation, boundary layers, surface fluxes and gravity waves, moist processes(deep convection, shallow convection, large-scale condensation)
saturation 饱和,microphysics 微观物理学,advection 平流,condensate 凝结,conditional instability 条件不稳定,inhibition 抑制,turbulent kinetic energy 湍流动能
Lecture 3 Dynamics in CAM
undulations 起伏不定、波动,be borne in mind 牢记在心,terrain 地形,compressible 可压缩的
还有一种垂直坐标:Lagrangian (floating) vertical coordinate,用这种坐标时垂直混合作用消失,变为’stacked shallow-water models’
Application 2 Interpreting Model Results
介绍了CESM的几种常用用途(以下均是Free-running coupled climate models):
- 用于CMIP
- Control simulations (1000+ years),固定radiative foring,在气候条件不变的情况下研究模式内部变率的影响
- Historical simulations (generally 1850-2005),prescribed evolution of radiative forcing (GHG, aerosols, volcanoes, solar irradiance, stratospheric ozone)
- Projections (present-2100),RCP2.5,RCP4.5,RCP8.5 radiative forcing scenarios
Constrained model simulations 常用于假设检验、物理机制解释
Practical 3 Intro Diagnostics and Output
介绍了netCDF自带的处理nc数据文件的命令,NCO(netCDF operators)
NCO 4.7.4-alpha04 User Guide
The NCO’s recognize missing data by the _FillValue attribute. (missing_value is ignored.
ncdump -h slp.nc # view the header of a netCDF file
ncdump –v slp slp.nc | less # view the contents of a variable
ncra file1.nc file2.nc avgfile.nc # record averager,第三个文件是前两个文件的平均,前两个文件的时间不同
ncrcat file1.nc file2.nc out12.nc # record concatenator,最后一个文件是将前面所有文件按时间顺序连接起来
ncea amip_r01.nc amip_r02.nc amip_r03.nc amip_ENS.nc # ensemble averager,求前几个数据文件的集合平均
ncdiff amip_r01.nc amip_r02.nc diff.nc # differencer,求前几个数据文件之差
ncatted –a units,lat,c,c,”degrees_north” in.nc # attribute editor
# Add a units attribute to the lat variable called degrees_north in file in.nc
ncrename –v TREFHT,TAS -a missing_value,_FillValue in.nc # rename variables, dimensions, aeributes
# Rename the variable TREFHT to TAS, and rename all missing_value attributes to _FillValue in file in.nc
ncks –v TEMP,date,OMEGA f40_test.pop.h.1993-11.nc f40_test.TEMP.199311.nc # Combines various netCDF utlites that allow one to cut and paste subsets of data into a new file.
# 此处将第一个nc文件中的TEMP,date,OMEGA变量及其相关的坐标变量写入第二个nc文件中
除 NCO 外,还提到了 CDO(Climate Data Operators)
Within the CDO library there are over 600 command line operators that do a variety of tasks including: detrending, EOF analysis, meta data modificaFon, staFsFcal analysis and similar calculaFons.
- ncview:只需一句代码即可快速画图查看nc文件中的变量
- ImageMagick:通过一句命令可以查看图片,也可以转换图片格式,也可以将几张图片连成动画,也可以比较两张图片的差异
然而我无法下载该函数包,好像需要注册才可以下载,然而我找不到注册页面。so sad
Practical 4 Intro Namelist and Code Modifications
- 修改输出数据文件的频率以及设定输出的数据变量
默认情况下,CESM输出月平均数据,并输出所有物理变量- nhtfrq:修改输出文件的频率,-24代表输出日平均
- fincl:设定输出的物理变量,介绍物理变量名称网址, 变量后跟”:”以及一个字母以设定该物理变量是瞬时值I,平均值A,最大值X,最小值M,例如”PRECC:M”,一般每一个变量都要设定,但也可通过namelist avgflag_pertape设定所有变量的输出形式
- mfilt:设定一个文件中可以有的最大时间样本
- 源代码修改
在一堆数据文件中搜索关键字的方法grep -ir PRECL
subroutine addfld (fname, units, numlev, avgflag, &
long_name, decomp_type, [optional arguments])
!fname 是需要输入的物理变量名称,units单位,numlev垂直层数,long_name物理变量的全称
!decomp_type 分解类型,有phys_decomp或者dyn_decomp
subroutine add_default (fname, tindex, avgflag)
!将物理变量fname加入默认输出的变量场中,tindex指history tape index
subroutine outfld (fname, field, idim, c)