FLDS: Downwelling longwave flux at surface(W/m2),(time,lat,lon)
FLNS: Net longwave flux at surface(W/m2),(time,lat,lon)
FLNT: Net longwave flux at top of model(W/m2),(time,lat,lon)
FLUT: Upwelling longwave flux at top of model(W/m2),(time,lat,lon)
FSDS: Downwelling solar flux at surface(W/m2),(time,lat,lon)
FSNS: Net solar flux at surface(W/m2),(time,lat,lon)
FSNT: Net solar flux at top of model(W/m2),(time,lat,lon)
LHFLX: Surface latent heat flux(W/m2),(time,lat,lon)
SHFLX: Surface sensible heat flux(W/m2),(time,lat,lon)
TS: Surface temperature (radiative)(K),(time,lat,lon)
T: Temperature(K),(time,lev,lat,lon)
PS: Surface pressure(Pa),(time,lat,lon)
PSL: Sea level pressure(Pa),(time,lat,lon)
Z3: Geopotential Height (above sea level)(m),(time,lev,lat,lon)
Q: Specific humidity(kg/kg),(time,lev,lat,lon)
RELHUM: Relative humidity(%),(time,lev,lat,lon)
TMQ: Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water(kg/m2),(time,lat,lon)
PRECC: Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice)(m/s),(time,lat,lon)
PRECL: Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice)(m/s),(time,lat,lon)
U: (m/s),(time,lev,lat,lon)
V: (m/s),(time,lev,lat,lon)
OMEGA: Vertical velocity (pressure)(Pa/s),(time,lev,lat,lon)